Full Semester Program

Enrol Now Into The Full Semester Program

Wouldn’t it be easier if all your assignments for your entire semester were being submitted without you worrying about them even once?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply focus on your work rather than worrying about your semester results?
Don’t worry, we have got your back!

We will submit all

  • Discussions on discussion boards
  • Quizzes
  • In-class assignments
  • Assignments
  • Lab
  • Mid term tests
  • Final exams

We have the entire semester covered for you!

Sign up with Assignment Mafia’s special program of “Full Semester Program,” specially designed to meet your assignment needs and ease off the workloads for you in your busy schedules. Here are the benefits you get:

  • Get 25% off on every assignment in the complete semester.
  • Complete refund + an additional 25% refund, if any subject’s results are not satisfactory only through the special programme.
  • Give and forget- We submit the assignments on your behalf for all subjects for the entire semester.

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The countries we have served

Call Out For Assignment Help From Anywhere

  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Canada
  • Malaysia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • India
  • Spain
  • UAE
  • Germany

How we do it

  • Enroll in our full semester program
  • Give us your I’d for Moodle where we have to submit your assignments
Note – Forget that you ever have to submit any assignment. We’ll take care of all your submissions.

How does it work?

Sign up with Assignment Mafia’s special program of “Full Semester Program,” specially designed to meet your assignment needs and ease off the workloads for you in your busy schedules. Here are the benefits you get:

Step – 1

Share your academic account credentials with us.

Step – 2

We keep a track of all the submission due dates, complete the assignment with due diligence and submit it a week before its due date.

Step – 3

Every time an assignment is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email on your email ID.

Enrol Now

Colleges we’ve served

Once you’re at the door of Assignment Mafia, you can have access to all the instant services related to academic writings.

Do You Have Some Frequently-Asked-Questions In Mind? Get Your Answers Here!

Students often have some unsolved questions. Here’s an attempt to provide you answers to the most common questions that our team is asked almost every day!

The answer to this question is Yes! Our team comprises a pool of experts from every academic field who are stalwarts in their subject. Bring in any topic or subject, and you’ll be covered. We have a service list that takes care of each and every student’s needs in the best possible way.

100%. Nobody would know that you placed an order here for assignment help. Your details are totally encrypted here, and no third party can have access to it. Unless and until it’s a legal emergency, be assured that your details are safe with us!

This is one of the most asked questions that our team gets! Well, we have not only one but many answers to give to this question. Going with the best one, it’s our team that’s drawn from some of the eminent universities with years of experience that guarantees perfection. On top of that, when students need guidance, our top experts guide them in the right direction of writing.

We understand your money-related concern. We offer a fully safe and secure payment gateway that involves not one but many options for you to choose from. As soon as your payment is confirmed, you get an order confirmation number that ensures safety. Also, our team is active 24*7 to help you if you face any payment-related issues. There’s nothing to worry about!

Yes, you can! Whenever you face any issue, you can anytime interact with our professional who’ll solve your queries there and then. We also have a mind-blowing turnaround time that doesn’t keep you waiting. You understand better when you get to interact with the helper for guidance!